As of October 1, 2018, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) made the stratified random selection of the initial 2500 Self Determination Program (SDP) participants for the first three years of the program.
WRC has 64 slots and after three years, the program rolls out to everyone.
DDS will send a letter to those selected and will also be setting up page on their website at https://www.dds.ca.gov/SDP/ where you can check to see if your case has been selected.
What Happens Next?
Cases Selected:
The case will remain with the individual’s Service Coordinator for now and they will continue to receive traditional services. Within the next two weeks, they will be contacted by WRC regarding the steps we will be taking together to transition the individual to Self Determination. This process is anticipated to take a few months. The first step will be a required Orientation Class that will be scheduled for early 2019 (see below). After that, work to begin planning, budget development, and the set-up of services will begin. It is anticipated this process will take several months.
Cases Not Selected:
If not selected initially, individuals will remain on the interest list for future enrollment opportunities. In three years, the program will be open to all.
The Westside Regional Center (WRC) Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (LAC), made up of self-advocates and family members, and supported by wonderful staff, providers and other community members, is mounting an ambitious schedule to implement the Self-Determination Program at our regional center.
WRC’s advisory committee will be hosting a training for Independent Facilitators later this year. Anyone from any part of California can sign up (see below) — registration will be sent out/posted at a future time.
Below is our WRC Self-Determination LAC schedule for meetings and trainings through January, 2019. Please mark your calendars.
Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (LAC) Meetings
For all dates- held at WRC:
6-7 pm – Committee meeting – All are invited
7-8 pm – Welcome/Training with SDP Participants and Family Members
Tuesday, 10/16 – Welcome to the Self-Determination Program!
Tuesday, 10/30 – Break into groups to meet each other
Tuesday, 11/13 – Intro to Person-Centered Planning
Tuesday, 11/27 – Person-Centered Planning – Part II
Tuesday, 12/4 – Participants, Financial Management Services, & Independent Facilitators from the pilots
Tuesday, 1/8/19 – Regularly scheduled LAC meeting
**Initial Orientations (For the 64 individuals selected in DDS lottery)**
For selected participants only. Led by committee members and staff.
9-10 am – For participants who didn’t attend the committee meetings on PCPs
10 am-1pm – Orientation
Saturday, 1/12/19
Monday, 1/14/19
Note: Participants will attend only one of the dates. More dates for additional orientations to come.
Independent Facilitators Training- (Registration information forthcoming)
Open to all individuals interested in becoming professional independent facilitators
Friday, 11/30 – 9 am – 1 pm
Monday, 12/3 – 9 am – 1 pm
You must be at BOTH dates to receive the certificate of attendance.
Please visit our Self-Determination page on the WRC website for more details about the program.
For more information, please contact Cesar Garcia at cesarg@westsiderc.org (310) 258-4090.