FY 2020-21 Community Resource Development Plan Priorities

Westside Regional Center

Westside Regional Center (WRC) priorities considered for the Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) proposals to the Department of Developmental Services include but may not be limited to development in the following areas:

  1. Housing services:
  • Multi-Family (MF) Housing Project(s) and renovation of existing units in MF buildings to be set aside for individuals with developmental disabilities at 30% of Social Security Income (SSI). Housing Consultant service is needed to cultivate relationships with existing developers in the community.
  • Supported Living Services with a specialty in Autism & mental health
  • Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH)
  • Adult Residential Facility (ARF) with a focus on mental health
  1. Specialized Day Programs:
  • Medically Fragile at Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARFPSHN) Homes
  • Individual day support
  • Supported Employment Program
  1. Specialized Therapy for Infant/ Early Childhood:
  • Multilingual Occupational Therapy
  • Parenting/Parent Training
  • Behavior Supports/Toilet Training
  1. Programs, Training, Services for Infant/ Early Childhood:
  • Integrated/community pre-school programs
  • Positive Behavior Support Services
  1. Services, Training, Programs Teen/Transition:
  • Inclusive Socialization Skills/Training
  1. Training, Services, Options for Adults:
  • Person-Centered Planning Supports for Employment and Paid Internships
  • Independent/Supported Living Services

Any additional input from persons served/family members, service providers and advocates in the WRC community should be submitted to WRC as soon as possible for consideration in the development of proposals for submittal to DDS for funding requests. Please submit input to Nicole Pierre at nicolep@westsiderc.org or (310) 258-4134. Vidaus apdailos ir buto remonto darbai Vilniuje gera kaina MB Būsto vizija

*All projects for the WRC CRDP will be culturally and linguistically sensitive