WRC Employment First Business Advisory Committee- September Meeting Date Changed to Tuesday the 18th

Please join us!

WRC Employment First & Business Advisory Committee

**Next meeting: Tuesday, September 18th at 1pm** (3rd floor Danneker boardroom)
We will continue to work on our strategic plan activities and upcoming committee sponsored events- October Career Fair & Chamber Mixer

Westside Regional Center
Employment First Advisory Committee

Committee Purpose:
Partnership and collaboration, promoting outreach and education regarding community-based, integrated employment, resulting in the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community.

Committee Composition:
Individuals Served
Service Provider Representatives (Employment Support preferred)
WRC Staff- Client Services & Support Departments
Board Members
Community Business Owners
DOR Representatives
Educational Representatives
State or Local Advocacy Representatives
Community Partner Agencies

The WRC Employment First Committee meets monthly
Meetings are typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30pm at WRC (September 2018 meeting changed to Tuesday)

Please inquire about joining the committee with Pam Arturi at pamelaa@westsiderc.org or 310-258-4276