Why inclusion IS important for ALL preschoolers!!!
Thursday: September 17, September 24 & October 1, 2020
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Please join us for a three-part webinar series presented by Dr. Mary Falvey. This series is intended for parents and guardians of toddlers and preschoolers as well as educators and other Early Start professionals.
Dr. Falvey will discuss the importance of inclusion of preschoolers with their nondisabled peers. She will introduce a brief history of inclusion and best-practices for educating preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings. Dr. Falvey will also describe the difference between inclusive and non-inclusive preschools. Please bring questions and concerns as this interactive webinar will also provide opportunities to discuss them all.
Spanish interpretation will be provided.
About the Presenter:
Dr. Mary Falvey is an emeriti professor from California State University, Los Angeles. She taught and provided leadership at Cal State LA for over 38 years while simultaneously working with schools and school districts on creating inclusive educational programs for students with and without disabilities. She has published extensively and continues to write and lecture throughout the world. She is the mother of a 33-year-old son with learning disabilities and the aunt of a 30-year-old adult with Down syndrome and autism.