Why Inclusion IS Important for ALL Preschoolers:

Recordings and Materials

This presentation is a recording of Part 1 of our webinar series “Why Inclusion IS Important for ALL Preschoolers” with Dr. Mary Falvey. The series was designed to give parents and educators information on the importance of inclusion of preschoolers with their nondisabled peers as they navigate childcare settings, preschools, and other educational options. Participants were introduced to the legal and researched based best practices for educating preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings.

Click here to download the slideshow presentation for part 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eyjl8g…

This presentation is a recording of Part 2 of our webinar series “Why Inclusion IS Important for ALL Preschoolers” with Dr. Mary Falvey. The series was designed to give parents and educators information on the importance of inclusion of preschoolers with their nondisabled peers as they navigate childcare settings, preschools, and other educational options. Participants were introduced to the legal and researched based best practices for educating preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings.

Click here to download the slideshow presentation for part 2: English, Spanish

This presentation is a recording of Part 3 of our webinar series “Why Preschool Inclusion IS so Important for ALL” with Dr. Mary Falvey.  The series was designed to give parents and educators information on the importance of inclusion of preschoolers with their nondisabled peers as they navigate childcare settings, preschools, and other educational options. Participants were introduced to the legal and researched based best practices for educating preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings.

Click here to download the slideshow presentation for part 3: English, Spanish