Upcoming Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee Meeting Information

The Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee reviews the development and ongoing progress of the Self Determination Program, including whether the program advances the principles of self determination and is operating consistent with the requirements of this section, and may make ongoing recommendations for improvement to the regional center and the department.

This meeting is held on the last Wednesday of each month on zoom  from 6:00-8:00 pm. All are welcome to attend these meetings.

Agenda for 10/28/20

1. Introductions
2. SDP Participants and Families – How can we help you?
3. Updates from staff on numbers of participants in program
4. Approval of RFP – Vote (Click here to view the draft RFP)
5. Change of day to have meetings in the future
6. November 1 – SDP Fair with NLACRC
7. Agenda items for next meeting


By Computer

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting  ID: 910 0610 9643

Password: 54321

Note: if you have never used Zoom before on your computer, you should go in beforehand to download the app at zoom.us

Join Zoom Meeting

By cell phone or tablet/iPad WITH video: You must download the Zoom app (available by clicking here).  At the time of the meeting, go into the app and click on “Join.”

Meeting ID: 910 0610 9643

Password: 54321

By cell phone with NO video:

One tap mobile:

+16699006833,,88477472868#,,,,0#,,54321# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,88477472868#,,,,0#,,54321# US (Tacoma)

Everyone will be muted upon entering the meeting. To speak, you will need to raise your hand using the button at the bottom of the screen. You will be called upon by the chair to speak and she will unmute your line. Please remember that if you are using the video, that we are seeing you. You can turn off the video at any time.

If a self-advocate needs support in using Zoom for this meeting, please reach out to your service coordinator who can help.

For more information, please call Cesar Garcia (310)258-4090.