Sept. 25- National Voter Registration Day!

National Voter Registration Day is on September 25!

Thousands of organizations, companies, celebrities, and everyday Americans across the country are celebrating National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) by registering new voters:

We want to make sure every American has the opportunity to vote this year. It’s important for all of us to help voters get ready to head to the polls to weigh in on the issues that matter most to them. There are exciting events happening all over the country on Tuesday, but what if you can’t make it out in person? Here are a few steps you can take to help:

• If people you know have questions about voter registration or the voting process, point them toward

• Encourage your social networks, email contacts, friends, and family to register to vote or update their registration if they’ve moved, changed their name, or changed their political affiliation since the last election.

• Check out #NationalVoterRegistrationDay for great shareable content and graphics across social media.