Self-Determination Update as of 1/10/19–Orientations are Still Postponed at this Time

The Self-Determination Orientations originally scheduled for January 2019 have been postponed. WRC is awaiting the approval of the orientation materials by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). In the meantime, you can stay informed by attending the Self Determination Local Advisory Committee (LAC) meetings. They are typically held on the second Tuesday of every month in the WRC Boardroom. The next LAC is February 12th at 6:00pm.  Additionally, please visit our WRC Self-Determination Page.  

New Information on Independent Facilitators (IF) and Financial Management Services (FMS):

View the directive related to Independent Facilitators and  view the directive related to Financial Management Services (FMS)  in the Self-Determination Program (SDP).  This information is also available on the Department of Developmental Services’ (DDS)  website at  DDS is continuing to work on additional SDP information, including training for local advisory committee members and regional centers on conducting participant orientations and guidance for developing the individual budget.  Updates on progress in completing these and other items needed as we move toward implementation will also be posted on the Department’s website.  If you have any questions, please send an email to