Political Action Committee: 4/29/20 at 5pm on Zoom

The Next Political Action Committee Meeting will take place virtually on April 29th at 4pm.

Please note, you will need to register ahead of time to access this meeting.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you are new to zoom: 

  1. If you haven’t already, sign up for a free Zoom account: https://zoom.us/signup

2. Go to:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqcemurDwjHdynEEQeO2Yy9imRFd9QF54j to register to attend this meeting.

3. You will be asked for your name and a valid email address.

This is so we can take attendance instead of using a sign-in sheet.

4. You will receive an email with a unique-to-you link with instructions to join the meeting.

5. On the day and time of the meeting, click the link to join, and enter the password.

If you have any difficulty registering, please email Rhiannon Maycumber at Rhiannonm@westsiderc.org.  

PAC Mission: Initiates and oversees efforts to build relationships with local state legislators, to keep them informed about issues regarding developmental disabilities, and to ensure their support of continued funding for regional centers. Specific activities include arranging face-to-face meetings, sending information to lawmakers, and participating in activities that need to be politically addressed.

The PAC is looking for new members who would like to get involved with legislative advocacy! We are actively meeting with our local state legislators and will be growing our initiative to include advocacy with local and county officials in 2020. Please come out to the meeting to share ideas and hear about Westside’s political outreach activities. All are welcome! No RSVP required.