Action Alert: Governor’s May Revise Budget Proposal

Do you have concerns about the budget cuts to Regional Center services being proposed in the Governor’s May Revise Budget Proposal?

View the May Revise Here: 

How to Make Sure Your Voice is Heard: 

The Health and Human Services Budget Subcommittee that oversees the Regional Center system is holding a hearing on Monday, May 18th at 1pm or upon adjournment of Revenue and Taxation Committee.

All are encouraged to watch the hearing from its live stream on the Assembly’s website at:

Listen to the Hearing Audio Here:

The method of participation in public testimony during this hearing will be announced closer to the hearing date, but will include a phone option to support physical distancing and public health. We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing. Please send your written testimony to: Please note that any emails sent to that address are considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted. Ispanų k. kursai Vilniuje Kaune Klaipėdoje UAB „Intellectus kalbų centras“