Intake & Eligibility
Intake & Eligibility is an easy-to-use website to help citizens understand which benefit program they may be eligible for and how to apply. Categories include: Disaster Relief; Family and Children’s Services; Financial Assistance; Food and Nutrition; Healthcare and Medical Assistance; Housing and Public Utilities; Immigration and Refugee Assistance; Social Security and more!
Most Commonly Requested Documents (MCRD) – The County of Los Angeles and its partners developed a two-sided information sheet that provides: 1) a list of the most common County administered programs/services and the required documents needed to apply for the programs/services; 2) website information and toll-free telephone numbers to obtain documents needed to apply for the programs/services.
YourBenefitsNow! is a website for Los Angeles County Residents to apply for and to view their benefits online. YourBenefitsNow! supports CalWorks, CalFresh, General Relief and MediCal applications. You can also schedule an in-person appointment for a NEW application.
California Department of Education, Special Education Division website provides information and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and nonacademic skills.
The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) – Supporting the prevention and resolution of disputes through partnership and collaboration.
Disability Rights California – The Special Education Rights and Responsibilities (SERR) manual explains how to become eligible for special education, how to request and advocate for special education services, and what to do if you disagree with school districts.
Seeds of Partnership, Family Empowerment Centers (FEC) – Provide training and information to families of children and young adults with disabilities, between the ages of 3 and 22. Find a location near you.
Special Education Rights of Parents and Children under the IDEA by the California Department of Education English–Spanish–Simplified Chinese–Traditional Chinese–Filipino (Tagalog)–Vietnamese
Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK) specializes in special education support for people with disabilities from birth to age 26 and their families. They support all disabilities, including mental illness, chronic health and medical conditions, and emotional challenges due to abuse or environmental trauma. In the area of assistive technology (AT), they serve all ages, including adults, and help families explore ways to use AT to promote learning, communication, and independence. Call (866) 828-8275 for a location near you!
U.S. Department of Education, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible individuals with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those between the ages of 2 – 21.