IMPORTANT DATES: What’s Happening with Self-Determination at Westside Regional Center?
The Westside Regional Center (WRC) Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee, made up of self-advocates and family members, and supported by wonderful staff, providers and other community members, is mounting an ambitious schedule to implement the Self-Determination Program at our regional center. We wanted to inform all of you about our activities and encourage your involvement (or replication at other regional centers).
As most of you know, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is announcing their random selection of the first 2,500 participants on October 1st. They will be providing that information to each regional center and by letter to each participant. DDS will also have a page on their website where people can put in their UCI# to see if they were selected.
Shortly after the October 1st, WRC service coordinators and staff will be reaching out and inviting the selected participants and their family members to participate in our local advisory committee meetings. We will also inform them of the set dates for official orientations for the participants in early 2019.
In addition, WRC’s advisory committee will be hosting a training for Independent Facilitators later this year. Anyone from any part of California can sign up — registration will be sent out at a future time.
Below is our schedule for meetings and trainings through January, 2019. Please mark your calendars and we look forward to your involvement.
Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (LAC) Meetings
For all dates:
6-7 pm – Committee meeting – All are invited
7-8 pm – Welcome/Training with SDP Participants and Family Members
10/16 – Welcome to the Self-Determination Program!
10/30 – Break into groups to meet each other
11/13 – Intro to Person-Centered Planning
11/27 – Person-Centered Planning – Part II
12/4 – Participants, Financial Management Services, & Independent Facilitators from the pilots
1/8 – Regularly scheduled LAC meeting
Initial Orientations (Registration information forthcoming after lottery selection)
For selected participants only. Led by committee members and staff.
9-10 am – For participants who didn’t attend the committee meetings on PCPs
10 am-1 or 2 pm – Orientation
Note: Participants will attend only one of the dates. More dates for additional orientations to come.
Independent Facilitators Training- (Registration information forthcoming)
Open to all individuals interested in becoming professional independent facilitators
11/30 – 9 am – 1 pm
12/3 – 9 am – 1 pm
You must be at BOTH dates to receive the certificate of attendance.