IEP Strategies for Black Families:

A 6-Week Training

Empowering and educating families who identify as African American or Black

YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Want to learn effective strategies on how to navigate the IEP system? Everyone is welcome.

Featuring Paula Senigar: Advocate and instructor for Special Education Advocacy Training series (SEAT) for the Council of Parent Advocates and Attorneys (COPAA).

9/29: The Back Story to OUR Story (1-2:30pm)

10/6: FAPE, LRE and Inclusion for Black Children (1-2:30pm)

10/13: Assessments and Goals: What ever happened to Larry P? (1-2:30pm)

10/20: Being Black in the IEP Process (1-2:30pm)

10/27: Behaviors and Discipline for Black Children (1-2:30pm)

11/3: Managing the Meeting while Black (1-2:30pm)

Click here for more information!