Equity Committee Meeting


The Equity Committee will be meeting at Westside Regional Center on Thursday, May 30th at 6:00pm in the 3rd floor Danneker Boardroom.

There will be childcare available for this meeting.  You must RSVP with the FRC no later than 12:00pm on Friday, May 24th, 2019 at (310)258-4063. Space is limited.

If you know a family that is currently impacted by funding disparities or not receiving needed services please call our FRC at (310) 258-4063 and sign up for “Office Hours”.  Families are asked to call the FRC by 12:00pm on Friday, May 24th in order for us to review the IPP, services being funded and any other pertinent information that would help in addressing the family’s concerns.  If there are any other individuals that would like to support the family during the “office hours,”  we will request that the parent or adult consumer sign a consent for release of information in order to provide Westside Regional Center authorization to openly discuss information that is considered confidential and private.

We will also have Spanish interpretation available at the Equity Committee Meeting.