Distance Learning with an IEP:

How to Make This Work As Well As It Can

Our Westside Family Resource and Empowerment Center (WFREC) is partnering with some great agencies to bring families the following 4 part series:

October 7th  from 4:00 PM – 4:45 pm – What Should I Expect?

October 14th from 4:00 PM – 4:45 pm – Collaborating with Educators

October 21st from 4:00 PM – 4:45 pm – Adapting the Therapies: OT, PT, ST

October 28th from 4:00 PM – 4:45 pm – Tips, Strategies and Resources

We have received many calls and referrals from you and from families with concerns and stressors in terms of trying to support their children with distance learning and  how to  best support them.  We are collaborating with some wonderful educators and specialists to speak on these topics, address concerns and questions, share ideas and tips with each other.

These series are being offered in English and Spanish. Please see the attached flyer for more specific information.