Orion Arline, is employed at Little Caesar’s. His primary responsibilities include keeping the kitchen area clean and assisting with food preparation. Orion has been working at Little Caesar’s for over a year and is doing a great job.

Orion enjoys his work at Little Caesar’s and is working more hours now (during COVID-19) per his request, which helps keep up with the increase in orders. He expresses what he likes best about his job is “I like the part where I am cleaning and restocking inventory. I like talking with my co-workers too.” Orion is a valuable employee and a great team player, his supervisor, Jazmin, shares that “Orion is a great employee and gets along well with all his co-workers”.

Words of encouragement he offers to others looking for employment “My advice is to go out, be confident, stay motivated and do not give up.” Orion shares that having a job not only helps him financially but it has taught him to believe in himself and try new things “I am capable of assuring and motivating myself to do something new…My job helps me learn things that I was not educated on before and I gain experience for other things in the future.”

Orion’s Job Coach, from Easter Seals, Veronica Diaz, provides support to Orion by reviewing his job tasks and the employer’s company policies and procedures, “I also assist him with advocating for himself, if needed”.

In addition, Orion shares “Working is good for people because they experience things they have probably never done before and it will bring more financial liberation to them. The longer someone works the more financial freedom they will get.”