Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)-Community Placement Plan (CPP) FY21-22 Prioritized Projects

Westside Regional Center: Update FY21-22 Community Resource Development Plan Priorities

Post Date: January 12, 2022

Westside Regional Center (WRC) priorities considered for the Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) proposals to the Department of Developmental Services include but may not be limited to development in the following areas:

  1. WRC12-13-4 Continued (EBSH-8013 Ramsgate) Additional funds needed for renovation work at this residential home.
  2. WRC2021-5 Continued (ARFPSHN-5bed) Additional start-up funds needed to identify a service provider for this residential home.
  3. Multi-Family Housing Project funds to create more set-aside units for individuals served by WRC.
  4. A Supported Living Services (SLS) program specialized in supporting the needs of the Deaf and blind community through different manners of communication such as ASL and SEE-Sign.
  5. Technical assistance and outreach to expand and develop inclusive restored services/settings with existing community resources
  6. American Sign Language (ASL) training for WRC service providers to better support the Deaf/heard of hearing community
  7. Training for service providers to enhance trauma informed care practices for survivors of sexual assault and develop prevention strategies

Any additional input from persons served/family members, service providers and advocates in the WRC community should be submitted to WRC as soon as possible for consideration in the development of proposals for submittal to DDS for funding requests. Please submit input to Rhiannon Maycumber  at or (310) 258-4134.

*All projects for the WRC CRDP will be culturally and linguistically sensitive and will be in compliance with the Home and Community Based Services Settings Rule.