Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Westside Regional Center (WRC) is happy to announce the arrival of two new social media accounts to help you access important information at your fingertips.

Facebook and Instagram will inform you of:

  • important events, trainings, public meetings and workshops;
  • legislative news and budget updates;
  • civic engagement opportunities;
  • resources available at WRC and in your community;
  • services available by age group;
  • and more!


NEW WRC YouTube Channel!

It is Westside Regional Center’s (WRC) mission to empower people with developmental disabilities and their families to choose and access community services that facilitate a quality of life comparable to persons without disabilities.

Through the DDS Disparity Funds Program, WRC was able to produce  videos to provide consumers, families, and communities with equitable access to information on regional center services, supports, and resources.

Visit the WRC YouTube Channel and watch the latest videos by clicking here!

No Solo Una Reunión: Comprender el Plan de Programa Individual (IPP)

Este es un video informativo escrito por los autodefensores del Centro Regional de Westside que habla sobre: qué es un IPP; por qué el IPP es importante; cuándo y dónde se llevan a cabo las reuniones del IPP; a quién deberían invitar; cómo prepararse para la reunión del IPP; qué preguntas se hacen; y cómo obtener los servicios y apoyos que necesitan. El video está destinado a ayudar a las personas a ser autodefensores y Levantar la Voz!

Esta película fue posible gracias al Programa de Fondos de Disparidad del Departamento de Servicios del Desarrollo (DDS).

Para más videos, ¡haga clic aquí para visitar nuestro nuevo canal de YouTube de WRC!

Not Just a Meeting: Understanding the IPP

This is an informational video written by Westside Regional Center advocates that talks about: what an IPP is; why the IPP is important; when and where IPP meetings take place; who they should invite; how to prepare for the IPP meeting; what questions are asked; and how to get the services and supports they need. The video is intended to help individuals become self advocates and SPEAK UP!

This film was made possible by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Disparity Funds Program.

For more videos, click here to visit our new WRC YouTube Channel!