The Next Political Action Committee Meeting will take place virtually on April 29th at 4pm.
Please note, you will need to register ahead of time to access this meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If you are new to zoom:
2. Go to: to register to attend this meeting.
3. You will be asked for your name and a valid email address.
This is so we can take attendance instead of using a sign-in sheet.
4. You will receive an email with a unique-to-you link with instructions to join the meeting.
5. On the day and time of the meeting, click the link to join, and enter the password.
If you have any difficulty registering, please email Rhiannon Maycumber at
PAC Mission: Initiates and oversees efforts to build relationships with local state legislators, to keep them informed about issues regarding developmental disabilities, and to ensure their support of continued funding for regional centers. Specific activities include arranging face-to-face meetings, sending information to lawmakers, and participating in activities that need to be politically addressed.
The PAC is looking for new members who would like to get involved with legislative advocacy! We are actively meeting with our local state legislators and will be growing our initiative to include advocacy with local and county officials in 2020. Please come out to the meeting to share ideas and hear about Westside’s political outreach activities. All are welcome! No RSVP required.
The Strategic Planning Committee will be meeting at Westside Regional Center on Thursday, September 5th at 5:00pm in the 4th floor Conference Room 4D.
The Equity Committee will be meeting at Westside Regional Center on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:00pm in the 4th floor conference room 4D.
There will be childcare available for this meeting. You must RSVP with the FRC no later than 12:00pm on Friday, August 30, 2019 at (310)258-4063. Space is limited.
If you know a family that is currently impacted by funding disparities or not receiving needed services please call our FRC at (310) 258-4063 and sign up for “Office Hours”. Families are asked to call the FRC by 12:00pm on Friday, August 30th in order for us to review the IPP, services being funded and any other pertinent information that would help in addressing the family’s concerns. If there are any other individuals that would like to support the family during the “office hours,” we will request that the parent or adult consumer sign a consent for release of information in order to provide Westside Regional Center authorization to openly discuss information that is considered confidential and private.
We will also have Spanish interpretation available at the Equity Committee Meeting.
This meeting that is held on the second Tuesday of each month at Westside Regional Center from 6:00-8:00 pm, except for the month of August 2019. The committee shall consist of the regional center client’s rights advocate, consumers, family members, and other advocates and community leaders. A majority of the committee shall be consumers and their family members. The committee shall reflect the multicultural diversity and geographic profile of the catchment area. The committee shall review the development and ongoing progress of the Self Determination Program, including whether the program advances the principles of self determination and is operating consistent with the requirements of this section, and may make ongoing recommendations for improvement to the regional center and the department. All are welcome to attend these meetings.
The Equity Committee will be meeting at Westside Regional Center on Thursday, May 30th at 6:00pm in the 3rd floor Danneker Boardroom.
There will be childcare available for this meeting. You must RSVP with the FRC no later than 12:00pm on Friday, May 24th, 2019 at (310)258-4063. Space is limited.
If you know a family that is currently impacted by funding disparities or not receiving needed services please call our FRC at (310) 258-4063 and sign up for “Office Hours”. Families are asked to call the FRC by 12:00pm on Friday, May 24th in order for us to review the IPP, services being funded and any other pertinent information that would help in addressing the family’s concerns. If there are any other individuals that would like to support the family during the “office hours,” we will request that the parent or adult consumer sign a consent for release of information in order to provide Westside Regional Center authorization to openly discuss information that is considered confidential and private.
We will also have Spanish interpretation available at the Equity Committee Meeting.
Please join us!
WRC Employment First & Business Advisory Committee
**Next meeting: Tuesday, September 18th at 1pm** (3rd floor Danneker boardroom)
We will continue to work on our strategic plan activities and upcoming committee sponsored events- October Career Fair & Chamber Mixer
Westside Regional Center
Employment First Advisory Committee
Committee Purpose:
Partnership and collaboration, promoting outreach and education regarding community-based, integrated employment, resulting in the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community.
Committee Composition:
Individuals Served
Service Provider Representatives (Employment Support preferred)
WRC Staff- Client Services & Support Departments
Board Members
Community Business Owners
DOR Representatives
Educational Representatives
State or Local Advocacy Representatives
Community Partner Agencies
The WRC Employment First Committee meets monthly
Meetings are typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1-2:30pm at WRC (September 2018 meeting changed to Tuesday)
Please inquire about joining the committee with Pam Arturi at or 310-258-4276