Understanding the HCBS Final Rule

ARCA will hold its next public webinar three weeks from today on the basics of the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule and how it applies to the developmental disabilities services system. This event is for people served by regional centers, their families, and service providers who want to learn more about this important new policy.

They will cover the basics of the Final Rule, California’s approach to implementing it, and complying with the rule. Register online to join this webinar on Thursday, September 22nd, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM.

Access & Equity for Deaf Children

WRC Online Training Program: “Family Welcome Experience”

April 28: Hearing Aid Coverage for Children Program (HACCP) Webinar for Families

Thursday, April 28, 2022

11:30 AM & 6:30 PM

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is excited to share information about the Hearing Aid Coverage for Children Program (HACCP) with families of children (ages 0 – 17) who need coverage for hearing aids. 

Two webinar sessions are being offered for your convenience. Both will present the same information.

Watch the 11:30 AM session: tinyurl.com/HACCP-1130

Watch the 6:30 PM session: tinyurl.com/HACCP-630

HACCP Help Center: For questions, please call 1(833) 956-2878 or email haccp@maximus.com. 

Visit www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/Pages/HACCP.aspx to learn more about this program. Click here to view the event information page.

Notice of Public Meeting on May 24: Reducing Caseload Ratios

Special Board Meeting on May 18: Performance Contract Public Input

Early Start Conference 2022

Enroll in our brand new course — “Family Welcome Experience”