Help With Becoming an Adult’s Legal Conservator

Friday, April 29, 2022: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


In California, many special needs families struggle to care for adults who are not able to care for themselves. For these families, a court-approved conservatorship may help.  A conservatorship petition allows a responsible person or organization to receive legal powers to provide for the care, needs and protection of their loved ones. This in-person session provides general information about the conservatorship process and in requesting an appointment as a probate conservator.


Class covers:

  • Screening for appropriateness of probate conservatorships or available alternatives
  • Referrals for other types of assistance
  • Overview of conservatorship law
  • Rights of the conservatee and responsibilities of the conservator
  • The court forms needed to request a conservatorship
  • The petitioning process—what to expect before and after the hearing

No advance registration or phone appointment is necessary. Participants register on the day of the program and will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Call The Conservatorship Center at 310-869-9792 and ask for Bruce Kaufer for additional information.


Presented by: Bruce Kaufer, Founder/Attorney at Law, The Conservatorship Center


Registration fee: FREE


Check-in begins: 9:15 a.m.


Notice: Space is limited. Attendees are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information please call The Conservatorship Center at 310-869-9792 or visit the LA Law Library website.

Mask Accommodations and Waivers at Schools (Webinar)

People with developmental disabilities need vaccine priority!

California is continuing to get vaccines distributed, based on a special set of priority “phases.” It started with “Phase 1A,” which included health care workers and first responders.

But people with developmental disabilities weren’t part of that group. Even though they are often at extra risk because of their disability (or disabilities), the state still hasn’t moved our community up the list.

YOU can help change this! We need to let Governor Newsom know that people with disabilities should be put in the very next group, “Phase 1B.” When you do:

  1. Introduce yourself! Be sure to say if you have a disability, are a family member, or work in the community.
  2. Explain that people with disabilities are at extra risk due to COVID-19, and need to be prioritized in Phase 1B.
  3. Thank them for considering our community.

A sample letter is also provided, which you can copy and paste into your email. But personalizing your message is always better!

To contact Governor Newsom, use the official online contact form. Choose “COVID-19” as your subject in the drop-down box on that page.

ARCA and the regional centers are working with community partners to help get our community prioritized for vaccinations. Yesterday, we co-sponsored a town hall webinar with Disability Voices United, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, and Disability Rights California.

Did you miss it? The town hall is archived on Facebook for you to watch!

[This information was taken from ARCA. Click here to view the original message.]

Action Alert 6/17 at 2pm: All it takes is your call to say “Our system matters!”

Tomorrow, 6/17 at 2pm, WRC is partnering with ARCA on a statewide direct action to insist that Governor Newsom protects our system’s budget. Your participation is extremely important! It’s just a simple call, saying you strongly support a Budget that protects the developmental disabilities service system and its funding. 

Your action should take place at 2pm tomorrow to simultaneously flood the Governor’s office with contacts. Don’t forget to set an Alarm!  For more information about what is at stake, please see the detailed message below and don’t forget to spread the word.

How to Contact the Governor: 

1) Go to the Governor’s website. You can either email him, or call directly at (916) 445-2841. When you do, tell him you strongly support a Budget that protects the developmental disabilities service system and its funding.
2) If you’re on social media, bring this message to him on Twitter.
3) Forward this post to get the word to your community!

The past few months have totally upended life, and the state’s Budget is no exception. The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is deep. Over half a billion dollars in cuts to the system have been considered, affecting every way people with developmental disabilities are supported in communities of their choosing.

The good news is, the version of the Legislature’s Budget Governor Newsom is reviewing doesn’t hurt people with developmental disabilities or their families. It even helps to improve their lives in key ways. But the developmental disabilities services system may still face cuts. We need to make one last push this month to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Governor Newsom needs to hear from you today. Between now and June 30th, he still has the power to make last-minute cuts to next year’s Budget. The only way to make sure that doesn’t happen is by telling him to you strongly support a Budget that protects the developmental disabilities service system and its funding.

What are some of the things at risk? Aside from preventing the half-billion dollars in cuts, there are a few other big things we’re fighting for. The Budget on Governor Newsom’s desk keeps extra funds for Early Start Therapeutic Services, Independent Living Services, and Infant Development Programs – money other services got last year. The Budget he has power over won’t close access to services for any additional days. It’s a plan that rejects new family fees (disability taxes). And starting next year, if your voice is heard, there will be a way to raise wages for direct support professionals as local minimum wages increase. There are also protections for other services, including Intermediate Care Facilities, In-Home Supportive Services, and some Medi-Cal health care benefits.

Every one of those things need to be defended. But you don’t need to make a long speech, or write a detailed email. It’s just a simple call, saying you strongly support a Budget that protects the developmental disabilities service system and its funding.

Will you take the time to let Governor Newsom know that supporting the developmental disabilities service system matters to you?

You Have Options When It Comes Time to Pay for Long-Term Care

COVID-19: Hospital Visitation for Patients with Disabilities

Action Alert: Governor’s May Revise Budget Proposal

Do you have concerns about the budget cuts to Regional Center services being proposed in the Governor’s May Revise Budget Proposal?

View the May Revise Here: 

How to Make Sure Your Voice is Heard: 

The Health and Human Services Budget Subcommittee that oversees the Regional Center system is holding a hearing on Monday, May 18th at 1pm or upon adjournment of Revenue and Taxation Committee.

All are encouraged to watch the hearing from its live stream on the Assembly’s website at:

Listen to the Hearing Audio Here:

The method of participation in public testimony during this hearing will be announced closer to the hearing date, but will include a phone option to support physical distancing and public health. We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing. Please send your written testimony to: Please note that any emails sent to that address are considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted. Ispanų k. kursai Vilniuje Kaune Klaipėdoje UAB „Intellectus kalbų centras“




Political Action Committee: 4/29/20 at 5pm on Zoom

The Next Political Action Committee Meeting will take place virtually on April 29th at 4pm.

Please note, you will need to register ahead of time to access this meeting.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you are new to zoom: 

  1. If you haven’t already, sign up for a free Zoom account:

2. Go to: to register to attend this meeting.

3. You will be asked for your name and a valid email address.

This is so we can take attendance instead of using a sign-in sheet.

4. You will receive an email with a unique-to-you link with instructions to join the meeting.

5. On the day and time of the meeting, click the link to join, and enter the password.

If you have any difficulty registering, please email Rhiannon Maycumber at  

PAC Mission: Initiates and oversees efforts to build relationships with local state legislators, to keep them informed about issues regarding developmental disabilities, and to ensure their support of continued funding for regional centers. Specific activities include arranging face-to-face meetings, sending information to lawmakers, and participating in activities that need to be politically addressed.

The PAC is looking for new members who would like to get involved with legislative advocacy! We are actively meeting with our local state legislators and will be growing our initiative to include advocacy with local and county officials in 2020. Please come out to the meeting to share ideas and hear about Westside’s political outreach activities. All are welcome! No RSVP required.

2020 Census Workshop at DCRC

New Videos!

Westside Regional Center is happy to share with the individuals we serve, their families, service providers and members of the community our brand new videos.  All videos are available in English and Spanish with closed captioning.

Click here to view our YouTube Channel. or search for “Westside Regional Center” on